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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Choosing Right Keywords

Selecting the right keywords for your site is more art than science. the best search terms are ones that people actually use - and ones on which there's limited competition. At least give yourself a chance to appear on page one.
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I strongly recommend Niche Profit Classroom - which has excellent material for Selecting keywords, if really looking for profit, don't miss these video tutorial.

Everyone's brain works a little differently. you might think the search terms you'd use are so obvious that everyone else would use the same ones. it isn't so. ask random friends or customers what search terms they would use to research something like tires or to find your web iste. you might be surprised.

finding words

when choosing keywords, start by reverse-engineering competitors sites and sites that appear in the first threee positions on obvious search terms. view the source for thir pages and make a list of the keywords they use. Brainstorm other terms from your text.Then use this list a input for one of several tools that identigy good search terms and suggest alternatives.
Dont use search terms that aren't relevant to your site. companies have won legal cases against sites that use trademarked terms in their keyworkd list, hoping to divert traffic from the trademark owner's site. if your're an quthorised dealer for a trademarked product,review your distribution agreement. it generally specifies where and how you can use trademarked terms.

using keyworkd tools

overtures has a free keyword tool at after you enter alikey search term, overture returns the estimated frequency that the term has been queried in the last month acress all yahoo! properties. the tool also suggest related terms.
workdtracker offers a somewhat more sophisticated too at you can gets reports on number of times a term has been queried in that past 90 days across all search engines, estimates number of times a term is likely to be queried within the next day, lists of number of webpages that share that search term on your target search engine and word tracker derives its own keyword effectiveness effectiveness index rating for each term.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Improving Google Page Rank

The page Rank equation is a closely held secret.more than the simple link.Google's PageRank appears to be affected by the following criteria, among others.Google's top secret! Google ranks pages for web relevance or importance on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the best. to see the page rank for your site, or any other, you must download and install the Google toolbar. download Google toolbar

The Page Rank appears when you hover over the PageRank index in the toolbar. Google Page Rank sometimes varies erratically from day to day, even hour to hour. if your site rank seems either unusually high or low,or suddenly falls to zero,click the Reload button on your browser or check again in a few hours.

1. Links from related sites with high Google PageRank appear to generate extra value.
2. Links from .edu,.gov and .org web sites appear to generate extra value.
3. Links from blogs and press releases appear to generate extra value.
Twittenator utilizes a powerful code that can bring an unlimited stream of traffic into your websites and at the same time, help you multiply your Twitter followers easily and quickly. All the secrets you need to succeed in social media marketing has been laid down by this powerful system.

4. Text surrounding inbound links is preferred; this favors annotated or contextual links.
the size and complexity of your site seems to affect page rank. information-intensive sites seem to do better, although Google doesn't index the "deep web"(information in databases) contents of academic or trade journal, phone books or other databases.
5. Google sitemap generates extra value,while badly structured sites migth diminish Page Rank.
6. Sites that use black hat techniques (unethical) might not only be diminished in rank, but banished.
7. sites with newer content tend to have higher rankings.
8.visible title and ALT tags with search terms have more influence than other meta tags.
9.contents of surrounding pages generate extra value if related. traffic, both visitors and page views,can be rated for quanity and quality.
you improve site ranking  using,  I recommend,Auto Traffic Monopoly is a legitimate tool to assist you in marketing online. Utilizing the software can help you to get more exposure and higher rankings in the search engines. The system uses what is called a linkwheel where ones website or marketing material is linked to different blogs with the push of a button.ATM does not require any experience or know-how to operate. Everything one needs to improve traffic to their site is contained within and if you have ever marketed online you know it is all about traffic. 
Auto Traffic Monopoly is a great tool to have in the tool belt as long as you understand that is what it is

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Adsense Secrets

1. Quality Content if you have a new site, first objective should be the quality content. people tend to visit your site regulary if they find the site useful.

2.Update Regularly - Regular update of blog / site would fetch you regular visitors.
it would help you in longway to improve your site traffic.

2. Back links Back links are important to get listed fast in search engine. you could participate in forums, related to your subject matter of your website. you can utilise the signature section to add the links of your site, so that with every comment the back links is added. you can participate in chatroom to publicise you website.Press release are one more way to generate traffic.

3. Blending option Adsense Ad unit should blend with background of your site. take off the border so that it blends perfectly.

4. Insert Adsense Ad unit after every start of important points, more likely people would click.